My husband is a tool guy and rarely has anything nice to say about any product that has to be put together. He raved about this bed. The parts fit together. They are sturdy. There were extra parts, not needed but included. They even included a ratchet wrench that was very helpful. Easy instructions. He went on and on about the purchase. And the end product had a good finish, sturdy and was exactly as described. WELL DONE We would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone looking for a bed such as this.
very well made
My husband is a tool guy and rarely has anything nice to say about any product that has to be put together. He raved about this bed. The parts fit together. They are sturdy. There were extra parts, not needed but included. They even included a ratchet wrench that was very helpful. Easy instructions. He went on and on about the purchase. And the end product had a good finish, sturdy and was exactly as described. WELL DONE We would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone looking for a bed such as this.