Not long after I got this frame it began to squeak with every small movement. Ordered a replacement leg thinking that was the issue but it did not help. Tried tightening every screw on the damn thing, and to no avail. It still squeaks. I love the design and style, but it is obviously cheaply made and I feel I did not get my moneys worth considering the price tag. Never buying from this company or buying furniture from ever again. Steer clear.
Wanted to love it but so disappointed
Not long after I got this frame it began to squeak with every small movement. Ordered a replacement leg thinking that was the issue but it did not help. Tried tightening every screw on the damn thing, and to no avail. It still squeaks. I love the design and style, but it is obviously cheaply made and I feel I did not get my moneys worth considering the price tag. Never buying from this company or buying furniture from ever again. Steer clear.