This bed frame is quite sturdy, very nice quality and not the least bit squeaky so far. You truly cannot beat the price for this product. All of the pieces are clearly marked and the illustrated assembly guide is easy to follow.
I was missing one piece but it was just an end cap for one of the frame bars and it is not visible or necessary as it is under the mattress. Overall, I am VERY pleased with this purchase and highly recommend! Meets Expectations
Excellent Quality!
This bed frame is quite sturdy, very nice quality and not the least bit squeaky so far. You truly cannot beat the price for this product. All of the pieces are clearly marked and the illustrated assembly guide is easy to follow. I was missing one piece but it was just an end cap for one of the frame bars and it is not visible or necessary as it is under the mattress. Overall, I am VERY pleased with this purchase and highly recommend! Meets Expectations