While the chair just wasn't for us, the customer service is good. Absolutely happy with their service. I would order something else from this seller in the future.
Pros: the overall chair with a throw blanket looks nice. It's not too bulky. It was pretty easy to put together by myself. The width of the chair is nice and I do like the fabric. It seems like it would be easy to clean and is a nice color.
Cons: There is not enough of a curve such that it is VERY difficult to get the chair to rock.
Does Not Rock Well
While the chair just wasn't for us, the customer service is good. Absolutely happy with their service. I would order something else from this seller in the future. Pros: the overall chair with a throw blanket looks nice. It's not too bulky. It was pretty easy to put together by myself. The width of the chair is nice and I do like the fabric. It seems like it would be easy to clean and is a nice color. Cons: There is not enough of a curve such that it is VERY difficult to get the chair to rock.