I absolutely love this bed! I got it for my twin grandbabies so they can sleep in it when they stay the night with me. It’s solid and sturdy. I will say that you need two people to put it together. You’ll need one person to hold the hardware in place and one to screw in the screws. There are no holes for any screws other than the holes for the door latch and hinges. You’ll also need an electric or battery powered drill with a phillips bit for this. A handheld screwdriver just won’t do the job. My husband and I had it together in 15 minutes.
Just get this bed! I promise it’s worth it!
I absolutely love this bed! I got it for my twin grandbabies so they can sleep in it when they stay the night with me. It’s solid and sturdy. I will say that you need two people to put it together. You’ll need one person to hold the hardware in place and one to screw in the screws. There are no holes for any screws other than the holes for the door latch and hinges. You’ll also need an electric or battery powered drill with a phillips bit for this. A handheld screwdriver just won’t do the job. My husband and I had it together in 15 minutes.