This chair was difficult to put together but it is super comfy and totally worth the trouble, especially for the price. What gave me issues in assembly was the legs in the first step. They were not interlocking easily and I had to put some oil on them to get them to slide easier. I recommend preparing for that possibility if you purchase this, but know that it will be worth it. This chair is a great value for the price and is well-made.
Hard to Assemble, but WORTH IT!
This chair was difficult to put together but it is super comfy and totally worth the trouble, especially for the price. What gave me issues in assembly was the legs in the first step. They were not interlocking easily and I had to put some oil on them to get them to slide easier. I recommend preparing for that possibility if you purchase this, but know that it will be worth it. This chair is a great value for the price and is well-made.