So far so good, bought for my 11 year old as her room is extremely small, this allows her enough floor space for a desk. The bed is pretty sturdy, though it does have a bit of movement but nothing concerning. I have made it a routine to regularly check that all the screws are tight (I have found that some need to be re/tightened from time/to/time) If it seems overly wobbly I would double check all the screws. Overall its a pretty sturdy bed for the price and assembly wasnt to bad, took me about 3 hrs
Good deal, sturdy bed
So far so good, bought for my 11 year old as her room is extremely small, this allows her enough floor space for a desk. The bed is pretty sturdy, though it does have a bit of movement but nothing concerning. I have made it a routine to regularly check that all the screws are tight (I have found that some need to be re/tightened from time/to/time) If it seems overly wobbly I would double check all the screws. Overall its a pretty sturdy bed for the price and assembly wasnt to bad, took me about 3 hrs