I am very impressed with this bed. Its very sturdy and the materials are good quality. I thought the wood for the stairs would be that cheap stuff, but its nice, thick, and solid too. It does take a couple hours to assemble and easier with 2 people. Definitely dont tighten the screws all the way until you have to. That gives some wiggle room to fit pieces together. But then dont forget to go back and tighten them all when youre done. No wobble at all. This one was purchased to a 5 year old, but even with an adult up there, theres no wiggle. I just wish the guard rails were a little taller. I knew the height before we bought it and well deal with it by getting some taller guards, but it would be an improvement in the design to make them even a few inches taller. Bought a second one for another child.
Great quality
I am very impressed with this bed. Its very sturdy and the materials are good quality. I thought the wood for the stairs would be that cheap stuff, but its nice, thick, and solid too. It does take a couple hours to assemble and easier with 2 people. Definitely dont tighten the screws all the way until you have to. That gives some wiggle room to fit pieces together. But then dont forget to go back and tighten them all when youre done. No wobble at all. This one was purchased to a 5 year old, but even with an adult up there, theres no wiggle. I just wish the guard rails were a little taller. I knew the height before we bought it and well deal with it by getting some taller guards, but it would be an improvement in the design to make them even a few inches taller. Bought a second one for another child.