I was looking for a twin frame for my 4 year old kid, and he just wanted this frame. After all assembled, super satisfied. Nice, and strong enough but NEVER EASY ASSEMBLE. I seriously wanted to complain.
DO NOT follow all / on some parts, you need to think about what happen to you when you put a screw tightly before all parts is just right place. (Took me going back several times after just followed all direction.)
Also its a single package, and over 100 lbs. If you think you can move it alone without any tools, be careful. I was wondering but no one mentioned.
Overall, nice frame now and my son just loves it.
Good frame for kids but never easy assemble.
I was looking for a twin frame for my 4 year old kid, and he just wanted this frame. After all assembled, super satisfied. Nice, and strong enough but NEVER EASY ASSEMBLE. I seriously wanted to complain. DO NOT follow all / on some parts, you need to think about what happen to you when you put a screw tightly before all parts is just right place. (Took me going back several times after just followed all direction.) Also its a single package, and over 100 lbs. If you think you can move it alone without any tools, be careful. I was wondering but no one mentioned. Overall, nice frame now and my son just loves it.