My son loves his bed / but it took 7 HOURS to assemble. This is not because I didnt follow instructions or prepare well, it is because the pieces were not aligned properly and I was having to constantly unscrew and re/screw parts back together in order to get them to all fit how the instructions said they should. It was extremely frustrating. So, my advice, save your sanity and hire someone else to assemble the thing. Once it is done, it is wonderful.
Poorly Aligned pieces / but my son loves it
My son loves his bed / but it took 7 HOURS to assemble. This is not because I didnt follow instructions or prepare well, it is because the pieces were not aligned properly and I was having to constantly unscrew and re/screw parts back together in order to get them to all fit how the instructions said they should. It was extremely frustrating. So, my advice, save your sanity and hire someone else to assemble the thing. Once it is done, it is wonderful.