This is a great solid bed for a toddler. It was torture to put together. Some of the parts were very difficult to put together. It was very well organized with everything labeled and the metal was in excellent condition with no scrapes, scratches or dents. The directions were slightly difficult only because even though it had drawn pictures for all the parts, it didnt show them in relation to size for each picture. Luckily, since everything was labeled it helped. I knocked off a star because the screws in the top wood drawer stripped right away. I think it would hold up better for kids if they were plastic.
Great finished product, not fun assembly
This is a great solid bed for a toddler. It was torture to put together. Some of the parts were very difficult to put together. It was very well organized with everything labeled and the metal was in excellent condition with no scrapes, scratches or dents. The directions were slightly difficult only because even though it had drawn pictures for all the parts, it didnt show them in relation to size for each picture. Luckily, since everything was labeled it helped. I knocked off a star because the screws in the top wood drawer stripped right away. I think it would hold up better for kids if they were plastic.