My daughter loves her new bed, her father could have been happier with assembly. It took him about four hours, and several times he had to undo something he had already done to add another part, or otherwise muscle something into place because everything was poorly aligned. At one point he had to undo four things to put a piece in because the rest was bolted together seveal steps before another pole was to be bolted in. If youre planning on doing this with the provided allen wrench you might want to budget a day for the job, that four hours assembly time was with a power drill.
Frustrating assembly but the kids love it
My daughter loves her new bed, her father could have been happier with assembly. It took him about four hours, and several times he had to undo something he had already done to add another part, or otherwise muscle something into place because everything was poorly aligned. At one point he had to undo four things to put a piece in because the rest was bolted together seveal steps before another pole was to be bolted in. If youre planning on doing this with the provided allen wrench you might want to budget a day for the job, that four hours assembly time was with a power drill.