I bought this bed for my daughter a few months ago when she was 4. Im very happy with my purchase. The bed is very sturdy. My daughter and her friend jump on it (even though I tell her not too) and its still sturdy and not wobbly or loose. My only complaint is the little cubbies. They were a bit hard to put together, the wholes didnt match up when were they needed to be to get the doors to close right. But other than that, its great.
Im very happy with my purchase
I bought this bed for my daughter a few months ago when she was 4. Im very happy with my purchase. The bed is very sturdy. My daughter and her friend jump on it (even though I tell her not too) and its still sturdy and not wobbly or loose. My only complaint is the little cubbies. They were a bit hard to put together, the wholes didnt match up when were they needed to be to get the doors to close right. But other than that, its great.