Came a lot quicker than was supposed to!
Set up was ridiculously Easy. Stand very tall for a short girl as myself (50)
Not as Sturdy as I Hoped.
The legs are strong and heavy which is a plus, the Rings are plastic but its just to cover the leg and plate at the bottom.
Tips: Be clean with your set up(remember these are white!)
Lay everything out and have fun.
Overall, the chairs are great! Love Them!
Easy Set Up!
Came a lot quicker than was supposed to! Set up was ridiculously Easy. Stand very tall for a short girl as myself (50) Not as Sturdy as I Hoped. The legs are strong and heavy which is a plus, the Rings are plastic but its just to cover the leg and plate at the bottom. Tips: Be clean with your set up(remember these are white!) Lay everything out and have fun. Overall, the chairs are great! Love Them!