Unbelievably GREAT value for your money. High-quality materials. Solid and sturdy. Super easy assembly.
Incredibly easy assembly, takes about 2 minutes each. Theyre solid and sturdy. Leather is soft and plush and looks fantastic. The price is utterly amazing.
We ordered a set of two for our house the week before our wedding -- when they arrived we saw how stylish and functional they were, and given the price, we couldnt help but order two more sets for a total of 6 stools in our home. Both black and white stools, and theyre all high quality, solid and sturdy, and frankly just an unbelievably great value for your money -- you cant go wrong. The materials and the fit/finish far exceeded our expectations.
The powerful lift/height feature, though used sparingly (theyre usually kept at either countertop height or at full-extension), is just icing on the cake.
Only complaint? The bases tend to get dusty pretty easily, but perhaps we just need to change our air filters more often. Really cant go wrong with these
Unbelievably GREAT value for your money. High-quality materials. Solid and sturdy. Super easy assembly.
Incredibly easy assembly, takes about 2 minutes each. Theyre solid and sturdy. Leather is soft and plush and looks fantastic. The price is utterly amazing. We ordered a set of two for our house the week before our wedding -- when they arrived we saw how stylish and functional they were, and given the price, we couldnt help but order two more sets for a total of 6 stools in our home. Both black and white stools, and theyre all high quality, solid and sturdy, and frankly just an unbelievably great value for your money -- you cant go wrong. The materials and the fit/finish far exceeded our expectations. The powerful lift/height feature, though used sparingly (theyre usually kept at either countertop height or at full-extension), is just icing on the cake. Only complaint? The bases tend to get dusty pretty easily, but perhaps we just need to change our air filters more often. Really cant go wrong with these