I absolutely love these stools! They are so comfy and fit right in with my decor. The assembly was faulting easy and took about 20 minutes. I love that I can adjust the height of the stool as well. They do stain easily in my opinion so I would recommend having a magic eraser on hand or place something down before guests with jeans sit on them. These stools are so comfy and were a perfect fit for my kitchen.
All white comfy High table stools
I absolutely love these stools! They are so comfy and fit right in with my decor. The assembly was faulting easy and took about 20 minutes. I love that I can adjust the height of the stool as well. They do stain easily in my opinion so I would recommend having a magic eraser on hand or place something down before guests with jeans sit on them. These stools are so comfy and were a perfect fit for my kitchen.