My wife absolutely loves this chair and hopes customer service will send us a replacement without issues. Easy to assemble, very comfortable to her (not so much me), and sturdy for the most part. I do weight 328 lbs and on something that sways; well it tends to really push that 350 lbs weight limit. Sure enough I came crashing to the ground square on my tush. Im just glad it bent instead of snapping otherwise my rear and back would be hurting much worse.
Dont test that weight limit!
My wife absolutely loves this chair and hopes customer service will send us a replacement without issues. Easy to assemble, very comfortable to her (not so much me), and sturdy for the most part. I do weight 328 lbs and on something that sways; well it tends to really push that 350 lbs weight limit. Sure enough I came crashing to the ground square on my tush. Im just glad it bent instead of snapping otherwise my rear and back would be hurting much worse.