I am very satisfied with this product. The assembly instructions were pretty simple. I put it together with a little bit of help from my husband in a couple of hours. I recommend using a ratcheting Allen wrench though as it will make assembly a lot easier. Also, al of the pieces are numbered but some of the numbers are in not so obvious places, like on the ends. It makes a little noise but its a metal bed so I expect that. Would purchase again.
Good buy and fairly easy assembly
I am very satisfied with this product. The assembly instructions were pretty simple. I put it together with a little bit of help from my husband in a couple of hours. I recommend using a ratcheting Allen wrench though as it will make assembly a lot easier. Also, al of the pieces are numbered but some of the numbers are in not so obvious places, like on the ends. It makes a little noise but its a metal bed so I expect that. Would purchase again.