If what you need is inexpensive and sturdy, buy this bed. If you want easy assembly, run.
It feels sturdy and looks pretty good, but assembly was an absolute nightmare. At first it was just a bad dream, but more than halfway through the assembly process I started finding bolt holes that didnt line up. I wasnt about to give in and let it win, so I soon found myself trapped in a horror movie in which I had to use my entire body as a sort of wedge to line the holes up long enough to barely screw in the bolts. This was done in short shifts during which bolts were often dropped or dislodged, and made putting the bed together take a couple hours.
The other problem with this bed was one of the features I actually liked. The pieces are numbered so you can follow the directions more easily. Thats great except that the number stickers seemed to have been haphardly thrown at the pieces. Some stickers were attached to the protective sleeves, some to the pieces themselves, and one was floating in the package. One type of piece (luckily the most easily identified wasnt numbered at all. Out of the six ladder rungs, not one had a number anywhere to be found.
The stickers that were attached to the parts are all still attached to the finished bed in some amount, although I shredded a few before giving up. My son will have to remove them over time, which drives me half insane- it looks terrible, but after using myself as a specialty tool in building this bed, I was (and still am too over it to fight with the stickers.
Still, its a good bed now that its done, so it deserves the stars I gave it.
If what you need is inexpensive and sturdy, buy this bed. If you want easy assembly, run.
It feels sturdy and looks pretty good, but assembly was an absolute nightmare. At first it was just a bad dream, but more than halfway through the assembly process I started finding bolt holes that didnt line up. I wasnt about to give in and let it win, so I soon found myself trapped in a horror movie in which I had to use my entire body as a sort of wedge to line the holes up long enough to barely screw in the bolts. This was done in short shifts during which bolts were often dropped or dislodged, and made putting the bed together take a couple hours. The other problem with this bed was one of the features I actually liked. The pieces are numbered so you can follow the directions more easily. Thats great except that the number stickers seemed to have been haphardly thrown at the pieces. Some stickers were attached to the protective sleeves, some to the pieces themselves, and one was floating in the package. One type of piece (luckily the most easily identified wasnt numbered at all. Out of the six ladder rungs, not one had a number anywhere to be found. The stickers that were attached to the parts are all still attached to the finished bed in some amount, although I shredded a few before giving up. My son will have to remove them over time, which drives me half insane- it looks terrible, but after using myself as a specialty tool in building this bed, I was (and still am too over it to fight with the stickers. Still, its a good bed now that its done, so it deserves the stars I gave it.