The heaviness made it a little difficult but it is very sturdy and my granddaughter loves it
The bed fit the space well. It is a very heavy bed. It takes 2 people to carry the box it comes in. 4 guys put it together. The heaviness made it a little difficult but it is very sturdy and my granddaughter loves it. It could probably have been put together with 2 people but much easier with 4.Gives space for her desk under her bed. Opens up the room. Love the color.
The heaviness made it a little difficult but it is very sturdy and my granddaughter loves it
The bed fit the space well. It is a very heavy bed. It takes 2 people to carry the box it comes in. 4 guys put it together. The heaviness made it a little difficult but it is very sturdy and my granddaughter loves it. It could probably have been put together with 2 people but much easier with 4.Gives space for her desk under her bed. Opens up the room. Love the color.