This was a great purchase for my 6 year old daugther
This was a great purchase for my 6 year old daugther. She loves being up high and the added space to her room as the underneath area can obviously be used, so big pluses there! My husband and I put it together. It overall was a fairly easy build with 2 people and took us about an hour and a half to put it together. Very sturdy and quality pieces. I also like that it gives the appearance that it is wood, although it is metal.
This was a great purchase for my 6 year old daugther
This was a great purchase for my 6 year old daugther. She loves being up high and the added space to her room as the underneath area can obviously be used, so big pluses there! My husband and I put it together. It overall was a fairly easy build with 2 people and took us about an hour and a half to put it together. Very sturdy and quality pieces. I also like that it gives the appearance that it is wood, although it is metal.