I hated every part of putting this bed together. It was so annoying that Id rather have spent twice as much to not have to put this thing together. You have to put in every single support bar by hand , and several of them were twisted and just wouldnt fit (until I bent the heck out of them with pliers and then you have to put these stupid plastic clips on or you will easily knock out what was so hard to put in. Anyways I could go on forever about my hatred for this bed. I felt like burning my whole house down just for it to be over. Lol no really though! Now that its all done I guess it looks ok. But I still cant recommend this nightmare to anyone. Spare yourself the heart attack and spend more money on a better bed !
Hated the assemly HATED!!!
I hated every part of putting this bed together. It was so annoying that Id rather have spent twice as much to not have to put this thing together. You have to put in every single support bar by hand , and several of them were twisted and just wouldnt fit (until I bent the heck out of them with pliers and then you have to put these stupid plastic clips on or you will easily knock out what was so hard to put in. Anyways I could go on forever about my hatred for this bed. I felt like burning my whole house down just for it to be over. Lol no really though! Now that its all done I guess it looks ok. But I still cant recommend this nightmare to anyone. Spare yourself the heart attack and spend more money on a better bed !