Im very happy with this purchase. It arrived in good shape (very heavy box! and was pretty straightforward to assemble. The bed has held up well with two adults sleeping on it (together we weigh almost exactly the weight limit. Before purchasing, wed been searching for reviews from adult(s using various loft beds, so I thought Id write one for others out there living in tiny spaces. It has been 2 months so far, and my only complaint is that its moderately squeaky, which we considered somewhat inevitable with a metal framed loft bed. We have a full-size drum set underneath the bed, as well as some other instruments, a laundry basket, and a vacuum -- so we have found the space that was gained to be very usable.
For adults considering this bed (for themselves
Im very happy with this purchase. It arrived in good shape (very heavy box! and was pretty straightforward to assemble. The bed has held up well with two adults sleeping on it (together we weigh almost exactly the weight limit. Before purchasing, wed been searching for reviews from adult(s using various loft beds, so I thought Id write one for others out there living in tiny spaces. It has been 2 months so far, and my only complaint is that its moderately squeaky, which we considered somewhat inevitable with a metal framed loft bed. We have a full-size drum set underneath the bed, as well as some other instruments, a laundry basket, and a vacuum -- so we have found the space that was gained to be very usable.