Great deal for the price - very sturdy and well made
We bought this bed for our daughters to use. I was a little concerned about the quality - it is not an expensive item and it is metal. Usually those two conditions indicate weak materials and sloppy engineering. (One of our daughters picked out this bed. I just came to visit them yesterday and am pleased to find that the bed is strong and well-built. The supports are larger than one might thing and the entire bed is quite sturdy.
Great deal for the price - very sturdy and well made
We bought this bed for our daughters to use. I was a little concerned about the quality - it is not an expensive item and it is metal. Usually those two conditions indicate weak materials and sloppy engineering. (One of our daughters picked out this bed. I just came to visit them yesterday and am pleased to find that the bed is strong and well-built. The supports are larger than one might thing and the entire bed is quite sturdy.