I loved the color. The color was darker than what was showing up in my images, but I like it better than the lighter looking .
It was so easy to assemble, as a bonus the hardware they use is easily accessible. In fact, they sell replacement kits on ! This is only important if you have had to take it apart because we all know bolts mysteriously go missing. It took me a few hours to assemble, the directions were straightforward and easy to understand. It feels really sturdy. The price was also great. I liked this bed so well for my kid that I went and bought one of their other bunkbeds for a different kid. Packaging was great. No scratches or dents.
Easy and sturdy
I loved the color. The color was darker than what was showing up in my images, but I like it better than the lighter looking . It was so easy to assemble, as a bonus the hardware they use is easily accessible. In fact, they sell replacement kits on ! This is only important if you have had to take it apart because we all know bolts mysteriously go missing. It took me a few hours to assemble, the directions were straightforward and easy to understand. It feels really sturdy. The price was also great. I liked this bed so well for my kid that I went and bought one of their other bunkbeds for a different kid. Packaging was great. No scratches or dents.