I bought this small ottoman to help my chunky little dog get on the bed. Without it, the bed is too high and she needs to be lifted. This ottoman is the perfect size to help her. It's not so big that it gets in the way, but is big enough to allow her to use it as a booster. Not that it has anything to do with the product, but my little fatty learned to use it immediately. Who's the good girl? Molly is! Molly is the good girl!
Helps my dog get on the bed
I bought this small ottoman to help my chunky little dog get on the bed. Without it, the bed is too high and she needs to be lifted. This ottoman is the perfect size to help her. It's not so big that it gets in the way, but is big enough to allow her to use it as a booster. Not that it has anything to do with the product, but my little fatty learned to use it immediately. Who's the good girl? Molly is! Molly is the good girl!