I got this foot stool for my cat, to help him get up on the table to look out the window and it's the perfect size. He can lay on it and use it as a step to climb up. I have also used it for myself and it's very soft and pretty. I really like the zipper pouch under it.
The only thing I could say that I might change is making the legs look a little prettier, but overall I am very happy with it.
Good buy
I got this foot stool for my cat, to help him get up on the table to look out the window and it's the perfect size. He can lay on it and use it as a step to climb up. I have also used it for myself and it's very soft and pretty. I really like the zipper pouch under it. The only thing I could say that I might change is making the legs look a little prettier, but overall I am very happy with it.