Im very happy with this size but keep in mind the top bunk is pretty high up. This means the bottom bunk has lots of room underneath. My teenager put it together so Im not sure if he didnt tighten it well enough to be super sturdy but the metal appears very sturdy. The only room for improvement I think would be in a having a better latter that doesnt hurt your feet when you climb. Using pipe protector Styrofoam would probably help on each step.
Good for the money
Im very happy with this size but keep in mind the top bunk is pretty high up. This means the bottom bunk has lots of room underneath. My teenager put it together so Im not sure if he didnt tighten it well enough to be super sturdy but the metal appears very sturdy. The only room for improvement I think would be in a having a better latter that doesnt hurt your feet when you climb. Using pipe protector Styrofoam would probably help on each step.