Make sure to check you have all parts to it before you start assembling the set
Very disappointed with the seller got my set Wich I was very excited to receive to only find out I only received a table and a bench no chairs will definitely return this. I changed my review because I received the missing chairs the next day. The only reason Im giving 4 stars is because pieces are not labeled so it takes more time to assemble but it looks great and color is a light grey dont mind I really like it.
Make sure to check you have all parts to it before you start assembling the set
Very disappointed with the seller got my set Wich I was very excited to receive to only find out I only received a table and a bench no chairs will definitely return this. I changed my review because I received the missing chairs the next day. The only reason Im giving 4 stars is because pieces are not labeled so it takes more time to assemble but it looks great and color is a light grey dont mind I really like it.