This was really easy to put together, which surprised me. Like other buyers warned, you should definitely read through the instructions before starting. The instructions are very clear, written in clear English (nothing amusing, but thats good), parts are well labeled and screws are in labeled bags. There is even a bag containing one spare of each. I like the long Allen wrench, which is now in my toolbox; no other tools are needed.
It took me about 2 hours to assemble, but I took my time and have arthritis, so I didnt want any do/overs. The hardest part was attaching the first screw on each of the top pieces because youre working blind, but once the first one is attached, the others are lined up, so no problem.
The desk is sturdy and attractive. I highly recommend this product and manufacturer.
What a great buy!
This was really easy to put together, which surprised me. Like other buyers warned, you should definitely read through the instructions before starting. The instructions are very clear, written in clear English (nothing amusing, but thats good), parts are well labeled and screws are in labeled bags. There is even a bag containing one spare of each. I like the long Allen wrench, which is now in my toolbox; no other tools are needed. It took me about 2 hours to assemble, but I took my time and have arthritis, so I didnt want any do/overs. The hardest part was attaching the first screw on each of the top pieces because youre working blind, but once the first one is attached, the others are lined up, so no problem. The desk is sturdy and attractive. I highly recommend this product and manufacturer.