Outstanding quality! I was amazed at the detail of every aspect of this stand. Sturdy and beautiful! Perfect fit for the space I needed it in. It did take me 3.5 hours but I managed to get it done by myself. The parts were all there and the instructions were concise. The first time Ive ever had all pieces line up exactly right. FYI - it is a HEAVY box when it arrives so be prepared for that.
No, you
Outstanding quality! I was amazed at the detail of every aspect of this stand. Sturdy and beautiful! Perfect fit for the space I needed it in. It did take me 3.5 hours but I managed to get it done by myself. The parts were all there and the instructions were concise. The first time Ive ever had all pieces line up exactly right. FYI - it is a HEAVY box when it arrives so be prepared for that.