I ordered two of these and one arrived with a defect. Two of the factory installed screw threads were missing. As a result, there is a slight gap at one of the seams. I contacted the company and they were very quick to respond. I requested that they send some of the screw threads, but instead they sent us an entire new Telos. No questions asked. They dont even want the defective one back. As if that wasnt enough, a couple weeks later we received some high quality chocolates in the mail as an additional apology.
Absolutely 5 star customer service.
I am still only giving 4 stars though because one of the original units and the replacement unit both smell like they were near a chemical fire or something. They REAK like burning electronics or something. The smell has receded some, but its been a few months and I still get hints of the smell.
Fantastic Customer Service
I ordered two of these and one arrived with a defect. Two of the factory installed screw threads were missing. As a result, there is a slight gap at one of the seams. I contacted the company and they were very quick to respond. I requested that they send some of the screw threads, but instead they sent us an entire new Telos. No questions asked. They dont even want the defective one back. As if that wasnt enough, a couple weeks later we received some high quality chocolates in the mail as an additional apology. Absolutely 5 star customer service. I am still only giving 4 stars though because one of the original units and the replacement unit both smell like they were near a chemical fire or something. They REAK like burning electronics or something. The smell has receded some, but its been a few months and I still get hints of the smell.