Super happy with these! Especially for the price. Target has almost the exact same one for $50 each. The only difference is the seat on these is flat and the seat on theirs has a little curve.
The wood is good quality so they look nice! Not like peel off wood look. Its solid and has wood grain.
Pretty quick easy for my husband to assemble.
Theyre the perfect height for our counters too. Not too high so my 6ft husband can sit on them comfortably but not too low so my kids can also use them! Im 5.2 and you can see its perfect height but room for someone taller to not have their knees into counter.
All around would definitely recommend!
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Simple but cute
Super happy with these! Especially for the price. Target has almost the exact same one for $50 each. The only difference is the seat on these is flat and the seat on theirs has a little curve. The wood is good quality so they look nice! Not like peel off wood look. Its solid and has wood grain. Pretty quick easy for my husband to assemble. Theyre the perfect height for our counters too. Not too high so my 6ft husband can sit on them comfortably but not too low so my kids can also use them! Im 5.2 and you can see its perfect height but room for someone taller to not have their knees into counter. All around would definitely recommend! If you found this review Useful in any way please select helpful and follow me for more home product reviews.