Very Sturdy and heavy weight with only one problem...missing one wooden plug
I like the size, stability, and weight of the stools, not to mention the price. They assemble quickly as well. I was a bit worried after reading several reviews that said they had screws break off while assembling. I had no problem with this and feel like it may have been caused by over tightening the screws. Perhaps an extra screw for those that may tighten too tight and an extra wooden button would help.
Very Sturdy and heavy weight with only one problem...missing one wooden plug
I like the size, stability, and weight of the stools, not to mention the price. They assemble quickly as well. I was a bit worried after reading several reviews that said they had screws break off while assembling. I had no problem with this and feel like it may have been caused by over tightening the screws. Perhaps an extra screw for those that may tighten too tight and an extra wooden button would help.