Very nice item, well made and sturdy. We bought 2 of these. Very easy to assemble but other reviews complained of screws breaking and the last one we tried to put in went in almost all the way then broke off. We could not remove it so had to drill an additional hole and used one of our own screws. Unfortunately, we have often found screws made in China to be poor quality. The extra hole is ok for what we are using this for, but I would have to use wood filler and paint to repair where we had to drill an additional hole. fortunately, the one that broke off was just under the seat, so is probably less noticeable. My suggestion- use your own hardward or be very careful when putting these screws in if that is possible.
Nice item bad hardware
Very nice item, well made and sturdy. We bought 2 of these. Very easy to assemble but other reviews complained of screws breaking and the last one we tried to put in went in almost all the way then broke off. We could not remove it so had to drill an additional hole and used one of our own screws. Unfortunately, we have often found screws made in China to be poor quality. The extra hole is ok for what we are using this for, but I would have to use wood filler and paint to repair where we had to drill an additional hole. fortunately, the one that broke off was just under the seat, so is probably less noticeable. My suggestion- use your own hardward or be very careful when putting these screws in if that is possible.