This chair is super simple to assemble and pretty comfortable. However, the quality is not the best. One chair is defective. Please only replace one chair. The defective chair has a screw hole that is misplaced and not centered causing the frame to break once the screw is in and the chair is wobbly. I am waiting on my replacement. Also the seat of the chair is great quality the frame however not so much. The frame needs another layer of paint in my opinion.
You get what you pay for...
This chair is super simple to assemble and pretty comfortable. However, the quality is not the best. One chair is defective. Please only replace one chair. The defective chair has a screw hole that is misplaced and not centered causing the frame to break once the screw is in and the chair is wobbly. I am waiting on my replacement. Also the seat of the chair is great quality the frame however not so much. The frame needs another layer of paint in my opinion.