Once put together, these are very sturdy. The seat was heavier than I expected when I pulled it out of the box! I was happy about that. Putting it together is very SIMPLE, however, given that there are only starter holes and they expect you to finish them by hand with an ALLEN WRENCH is absolutely ridiculous. After 20 minutes of killing my hands, I thought I would look through my drill bits and see if I had one that would fit an Allen (Hex) shape. It took me literally maybe 90 seconds to put together the second stool. USE A DRILL with a hex bit, and you will have no problem. Im pretty annoyed at the fact they expect you to work with this little Allen wrench, but I love these stools!
Use a hex drill bit
Once put together, these are very sturdy. The seat was heavier than I expected when I pulled it out of the box! I was happy about that. Putting it together is very SIMPLE, however, given that there are only starter holes and they expect you to finish them by hand with an ALLEN WRENCH is absolutely ridiculous. After 20 minutes of killing my hands, I thought I would look through my drill bits and see if I had one that would fit an Allen (Hex) shape. It took me literally maybe 90 seconds to put together the second stool. USE A DRILL with a hex bit, and you will have no problem. Im pretty annoyed at the fact they expect you to work with this little Allen wrench, but I love these stools!