First, these stools are just the perfect size for us. Very sturdy once assembled. Love the solid wood construction. I give them negatives for three reasons. The screws are cheap. I screwed the head right off of the second screw I tightened. Luckily, I have similar screws in my workshop, but I was afraid to really tighten the rest of them down well see if this impacts the long term quality. Second...the wood had several large scratches and dings on them. I bought 4 stools total, and 3 of the pieces had noticeable damage. It can be covered by some sort of furniture pen/stain to hide, but a bummer. Third, the chrome foot plates on the rungs of every stool was tarnished with something that looked a little like rust. I had to sand/buff them to make it look better (but not great). In the end, they arent extremely expensive, so I cant complain too much, but thought others should know.
Solid but cheap Screws, minor damage
First, these stools are just the perfect size for us. Very sturdy once assembled. Love the solid wood construction. I give them negatives for three reasons. The screws are cheap. I screwed the head right off of the second screw I tightened. Luckily, I have similar screws in my workshop, but I was afraid to really tighten the rest of them down well see if this impacts the long term quality. Second...the wood had several large scratches and dings on them. I bought 4 stools total, and 3 of the pieces had noticeable damage. It can be covered by some sort of furniture pen/stain to hide, but a bummer. Third, the chrome foot plates on the rungs of every stool was tarnished with something that looked a little like rust. I had to sand/buff them to make it look better (but not great). In the end, they arent extremely expensive, so I cant complain too much, but thought others should know.