This bunk bed is not worth its price tag. After paying over $330 for this product, I hoped it was as advertised, but it is not.
This products description claims the top and bottom frame support 250 pounds each. However the amount of mattress support boards in the package was not enough for either frame to support that weight. Furthermore the quality of the bunk beds wood is very cheap for its price.
Sleeping on this bed is nerve-racking as well because once connected, the bunk bed feels flimsy.
I regret purchasing this product and do not recommend it either. I suggest putting your money into purchasing a better bunk bed unit, but not this one.
Flimsy, Cheap, False Advertising
This bunk bed is not worth its price tag. After paying over $330 for this product, I hoped it was as advertised, but it is not. This products description claims the top and bottom frame support 250 pounds each. However the amount of mattress support boards in the package was not enough for either frame to support that weight. Furthermore the quality of the bunk beds wood is very cheap for its price. Sleeping on this bed is nerve-racking as well because once connected, the bunk bed feels flimsy. I regret purchasing this product and do not recommend it either. I suggest putting your money into purchasing a better bunk bed unit, but not this one.