The finished product is great. My daughters love it. It is sturdy, arrived on time, and exactly what I expected. For that, 5 stars. Of course, nothing in life goes right 100% of the time. The directions were wordless, relying on pictures only. There is a subtle difference with one side panel that is not called out, highlighted, or focused on in any way... and I missed it. Not until the last step did it become apparent; I had to dismantle everything and basically start over. Still 5 stars, because, even though I read all the directions before I started that is, I studied all the pictures, it was my own fault for not noticing. Oh, and the directions call for a screw driver... While I could have managed, a drill with a Phillips bit is highly recommended just make sure to set the clutch on a low torque setting, I tore the head off one of the screws in a very Tim Allen/over-powered fashion.
The finished product is great. My daughters love it. It is sturdy, arrived on time, and exactly what I expected. For that, 5 stars. Of course, nothing in life goes right 100% of the time. The directions were wordless, relying on pictures only. There is a subtle difference with one side panel that is not called out, highlighted, or focused on in any way... and I missed it. Not until the last step did it become apparent; I had to dismantle everything and basically start over. Still 5 stars, because, even though I read all the directions before I started that is, I studied all the pictures, it was my own fault for not noticing. Oh, and the directions call for a screw driver... While I could have managed, a drill with a Phillips bit is highly recommended just make sure to set the clutch on a low torque setting, I tore the head off one of the screws in a very Tim Allen/over-powered fashion.