The assembly was not the easiest and it isnt very sturdy at all. the backing is 1-2 cm to short as no matter how hard we tried it would not slide into the slits properly and it hangs out. Some of the wood planks were stripped as well and we had to use gorilla glue to put them back together. I would never recommend for anyone who is heavy set. I am a small person and Im terrified of it breaking on me overnight.
Not sturdy!
The assembly was not the easiest and it isnt very sturdy at all. the backing is 1-2 cm to short as no matter how hard we tried it would not slide into the slits properly and it hangs out. Some of the wood planks were stripped as well and we had to use gorilla glue to put them back together. I would never recommend for anyone who is heavy set. I am a small person and Im terrified of it breaking on me overnight.