Takes 2/3 hours of your day to assemble, but the finished look is aming!
It was not only delivered to us early! But the instruction were super clear and it made it easier to assemble. It took a few hours to put together but the finished look is aming! Its a hardy wood so it looks super nice. They even have little wood stickers that blend right in that you can cover up the bolts! I would definitely recommend getting this TV console.
Takes 2/3 hours of your day to assemble, but the finished look is aming!
It was not only delivered to us early! But the instruction were super clear and it made it easier to assemble. It took a few hours to put together but the finished look is aming! Its a hardy wood so it looks super nice. They even have little wood stickers that blend right in that you can cover up the bolts! I would definitely recommend getting this TV console.