Overall a nice looking sturdy TV stand, except for the doors. They went cheap on the hinges, no adjustment and holes poorly placed on the stand itself so the doors dont close without help and do not look good. Instructions were okay, Ive assembled many of this type of furniture and Id give these a 3 out of 5 as you have to read instructions ahead of where you are as some items are not clear. Overall, fairly happy with purchase but most likely would not buy again.
Good, Solid and Nicely Finished
Overall a nice looking sturdy TV stand, except for the doors. They went cheap on the hinges, no adjustment and holes poorly placed on the stand itself so the doors dont close without help and do not look good. Instructions were okay, Ive assembled many of this type of furniture and Id give these a 3 out of 5 as you have to read instructions ahead of where you are as some items are not clear. Overall, fairly happy with purchase but most likely would not buy again.