We have a small bedroom for our 5 and 6 year old girls. This bed was just the answer. Fits perfectly, plenty sturdy and the kids love it. It was pretty easy to assemble. I have read some other reviews and kinda got a chuckle from some of them. You will probably want to get a drill if you dont have one. I cant imagine that someone would actually sit there and hand screw the slat screws. A drill made that a 5 minute job. Ran into no other issues, other than parts arent labeled and instructions arent clear, but if you have put together stuff like this before, youre gonna figure it out.
Works perfectly in small bedroom
We have a small bedroom for our 5 and 6 year old girls. This bed was just the answer. Fits perfectly, plenty sturdy and the kids love it. It was pretty easy to assemble. I have read some other reviews and kinda got a chuckle from some of them. You will probably want to get a drill if you dont have one. I cant imagine that someone would actually sit there and hand screw the slat screws. A drill made that a 5 minute job. Ran into no other issues, other than parts arent labeled and instructions arent clear, but if you have put together stuff like this before, youre gonna figure it out.