Overall the bunk beds seem very sturdy, However we went to put it together and noticed we are missing screws for it. Let me tell you I had one very disappointed 5yr old. When I emailed the parts department I never receive any email saying they were sending them out, or if they even received the email and would reply back in 24 hrs. I called and the customer service rep tells me it could take unto 10 days to receive the missing screw if they even have them in stock. I mean i can kinda understand the screws being missing but when it takes 10 days for you to receive them if they have them in stock is kinda BS considering if you are selling a product you should have them on hand and rush the delivery of the missing parts your warehouse neglected to put in a box.
Missing pieces to put bunk beds together.
Overall the bunk beds seem very sturdy, However we went to put it together and noticed we are missing screws for it. Let me tell you I had one very disappointed 5yr old. When I emailed the parts department I never receive any email saying they were sending them out, or if they even received the email and would reply back in 24 hrs. I called and the customer service rep tells me it could take unto 10 days to receive the missing screw if they even have them in stock. I mean i can kinda understand the screws being missing but when it takes 10 days for you to receive them if they have them in stock is kinda BS considering if you are selling a product you should have them on hand and rush the delivery of the missing parts your warehouse neglected to put in a box.