This was a surprise Christmas gift for my 5 year old granddaughter.... she loved it! Shes been sleeping on the top bunk since she got it. We ordered the white bed, and its perfect for her bedroom. This is a very sturdy, well-made bed. It took us just under 2 hours to put it together, and that was with basketball game watching mini-breaks! Every part was labelled the instructions included illustrations. It comes in two boxes...they were delivered on two consecutive days, so dont be alarmed if you only get one box--the 2nd box should be delivered within a day or two. I am very pleased with this purchase the price was extremely good. I have absolutely nothing negative to say!
A Big Hit!
This was a surprise Christmas gift for my 5 year old granddaughter.... she loved it! Shes been sleeping on the top bunk since she got it. We ordered the white bed, and its perfect for her bedroom. This is a very sturdy, well-made bed. It took us just under 2 hours to put it together, and that was with basketball game watching mini-breaks! Every part was labelled the instructions included illustrations. It comes in two boxes...they were delivered on two consecutive days, so dont be alarmed if you only get one box--the 2nd box should be delivered within a day or two. I am very pleased with this purchase the price was extremely good. I have absolutely nothing negative to say!