This is perfect for my girls age 9 and 6. It is not a good bed for adults, as it doesnt have too much room between the bottom bunk and the top so there is no sitting up - but my girls love it and the price was totally worth it. This is a STURDY purchase and looks as pretty as the pictures. You do NOT need to purchase special mattresses, we just used the girls twin beds - pulled the mattresses off the box springs and put them in this bed. We put the unneeded box springs and old bedframes on craigslist and they sold in less than 24 hours
Sturdy and pretty
This is perfect for my girls age 9 and 6. It is not a good bed for adults, as it doesnt have too much room between the bottom bunk and the top so there is no sitting up - but my girls love it and the price was totally worth it. This is a STURDY purchase and looks as pretty as the pictures. You do NOT need to purchase special mattresses, we just used the girls twin beds - pulled the mattresses off the box springs and put them in this bed. We put the unneeded box springs and old bedframes on craigslist and they sold in less than 24 hours