I found this couch and its the perfect fit and super functional for the small space
My husband and I are remodeling a travel trailer. I found this couch and its the perfect fit and super functional for the small space. I really love the way this couch looks. Unfortunately I pulled it out into sleeper mode and slept on it for the first time last night and its sooooo uncomfortable! Ill have to get some kind of extra pad to put over it and its really to bad. Looks great though!
I found this couch and its the perfect fit and super functional for the small space
My husband and I are remodeling a travel trailer. I found this couch and its the perfect fit and super functional for the small space. I really love the way this couch looks. Unfortunately I pulled it out into sleeper mode and slept on it for the first time last night and its sooooo uncomfortable! Ill have to get some kind of extra pad to put over it and its really to bad. Looks great though!