Perfect for our bonus room! This futon came a day early, was super easy to assemble and seems sturdy so far. It is pretty hard/firm but I think thats to be expected based on the price and the fact that its a futon not a real couch. It looks great (looks like it would be more expensive than it is). The only downfall is it does sit REALLY low to the ground so I would be sure youre okay with that before purchasing.
Great Futon!
Perfect for our bonus room! This futon came a day early, was super easy to assemble and seems sturdy so far. It is pretty hard/firm but I think thats to be expected based on the price and the fact that its a futon not a real couch. It looks great (looks like it would be more expensive than it is). The only downfall is it does sit REALLY low to the ground so I would be sure youre okay with that before purchasing.