Great futon for the price! This was pretty easy to assemble. My husband and I put it together in under 20 minutes. It has some spring to it, but not much cushion. If you like a firm bed, you sould have no trouble sleeping on it. It looks really nice too!
*For some odd reason, our futon came with 8 steam table bars. We were going crazy trying to figure out what these metal bars were for since they werent in the directions. So strange!
Great futon at a great price!
Great futon for the price! This was pretty easy to assemble. My husband and I put it together in under 20 minutes. It has some spring to it, but not much cushion. If you like a firm bed, you sould have no trouble sleeping on it. It looks really nice too! *For some odd reason, our futon came with 8 steam table bars. We were going crazy trying to figure out what these metal bars were for since they werent in the directions. So strange!